Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart
UPSC, SSC and Bank exams are the popular and important job recruitment test conducted every year and more then 5 lackhs of students take these exams. But, it’s important to know how to get through these and make your strategy in order to crack these exams. We have thought to discuss about the strategy and few tips which can be helpful to anyone. Proper planning and strategy is must traits to clear the exams and score maximum marks.
How to start:
– This might be the biggest question for every newbie as, without guidance you may fail the exam. One should understand it from Where to start, how to start and what to study. These 3 questions are important to answer. If you are planning to join a coaching class for the exams, they will teach you from the beginning. And, coaching only costs from 12000-18000 for 3 months course includes all 4 sections. And, add 2-3K bucks to prepare for bank exams. But, few coaching centers are not restricted to 3 months. One can continue after that also without providing additional fees.
But, if you are not planning to do so i have made a plan and strategy that will definitely work.
Now, you have to start from the bottom. For this, you need to know about the exam pattern and syllabus on which i have already blogged.
Why reading newspapers is important for banking and other Govt exams?
Newspapers are an important Part of our life. The word News translates to North-East-West and South. The Newspaper covers all the news of our surroundings. Most people wake up in the morning and read the newspaper, others watch the news, while others read news on their Smartphones.
It does not matter whether you read newspapers or read news online. All that matters is reading news. Newspapers help us stay as informed citizens. News is written by Journalists.
In banking and government exams, the general knowledge of the candidate is tested. Current affairs is an important section in any competitive exam and candidates are tested for this in both written round and personal interview.