Civil Services Notification 2019

Civil Services Notification 2019

Civil Services Notification 2019 Major highlights and summary of IAS 2019

  1. Date of notification of Civil Service (Prelims) – 19th February 2019
  2. Last date to apply for Civil Service (Prelims) – 18th March 2019
  3. Date of Preliminary Exam – 2nd June 2019
  4. Date of Mains Exam – 29th September 2019

IASExam, also known as Indian Administrative Service, is a national level competition exam conducted by UPSC annually to recruit candidates for civil services like IPS, IFS (Foreign), IAAS, IRS, IDAS, CAPF-AF and others. Nearly 2 lac candidates appear for the Civil Services Examinations each year.

Academic Eligibility

  1. The candidate must hold a PASS BACHELOR’S degree from any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a University, under Section-3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification.
  2. Candidates who have appeared or intend to appear for the final examination and are awaiting results are also eligible to apply for the Preliminary Examination.
  3. All such candidates who qualify the Prelims examination must produce a proof of Pass Bachelor Degree to appear for the Civil Services Main Examination. This Degree has to be attached with their application for the Main Examinations.
  4. The UPSC may in exceptional cases treat a candidate without the foregoing requisite qualification as an eligible candidate if he / she have passed an examination conducted by other institutions, the standard of which justifies his / her admission in the opinion of the Commission. The criteria may apply to candidates having bachelor’s degree from any reputed foreign university for example Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard etc.
  5. Candidates with professional and technical bachelor’s degrees that are recognised by the Government are also eligible to apply example MBBS, BE etc.

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Age limits

A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on 1st August of the year of examination.

  1. Up to a maximum of five years if a candidate belongs to a Scheduled Caste (SC) or a Scheduled Tribe (ST).
  2. Up to a maximum of three years in the case of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes (OBC) who are eligible to avail of reservation applicable to such candidates
  3. Up to a maximum of five years if a candidate had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st January, 1980 to the 31st December, 1989
  4. Up to a maximum of three years in the case of Defence Services personnel disabled in operations during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof.
  5. Up to a maximum of five years in the case of ex-servicemen including Commissioned Officers and ECOs/SSCOs who have rendered at least five years Military Service as on 1st August, 2019 and have been released.
  6. On completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within one year from 1st August 2019) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or on account of physical disability attributable to Military Service, or on invalid.
  7. Up to a maximum of five years in the case of ECOs/SSCOs who have completed an initial period of assignment of five years Military Service as on 1st August, 2019 and whose assignment has been extended beyond five years and in whose case the Ministry of Defence issues a certificate that they can apply for civil employment and that they will be released on three months notice on selection from the date of receipt of offer of appointment
  8. Up to a maximum of 10 years in the case of blind, deaf-mute and orthopedically handicapped persons.
Release of Application FormFebruary 19 – March 18, 2019Bachelor degree holders are eligible to register
Availability of Admit cardsMay 2019Download IAS Admit Card from
IAS Preliminary ExamJune 2, 2019Last year, the General category Cut off was 105.3
Announcement of Preliminary Exam ResultAugust 2019UPSC Civil Services Prelims 2019 over, Result in July
IAS Main Exam 2019September 20, 20197 Papers each of 3 hours
Announcement of Main Exam ResultJanuary 2020Check IAS Result online at


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