Employability of Educated Youth- India is at high risk. As the unemployment is all time high and the inflation is rising rapidly.
Employability of Educated Youth- India is at high risk.

Employability of Educated Youth- India is at high risk.

Employability of Educated Youth- India is at high risk. As the unemployment is all time high and the inflation is rising rapidly. All sectors are down due to the economic crisis. government is falling to provide the jobs. The fake media is hiding all the truths and creating more mess for the youth which will not able cleanable

Employability of Educated Youth- India is at high risk. As the unemployment is all time high and the inflation is rising rapidly.

Employability is the ability of a graduate to get a satisfying job stating that job acquisition should not be prioritized over preparedness for employment to avoid pseudo measure of individual employability. :- Lee Harvey

It is difficult to get a good and relevant education with in a context where social and economic needs are constantly unsettled by political policy. Public spending on education gas become a contested arena irrespective of the ruling Government and its Ideology. In INDIA the allocation for education in Union Budget is less than 5% of the GDP.  The latest Union Budget announced on 5th July 2019 mentioned allocation for education to be mere 3.4% of the GDP.

Many Graduates and Post Graduates in the past 13-15 Years have only found employment in areas unrelated to their academic training (In Super markets, BPO, Restaurants, and Call Centers). Many have not been able to find the suitable job even after 3-5 years of graduation or post-graduation.

A New Delhi based employee solution company, Aspiring Minds conducted an employability-focused study on 1, 50,000 engineering students. The finding revealed that as many as 97% of engineering graduates wants jobs (Software, Hardware or Core engineering) only 3% have the suitable skills to employed in software  or core product market and 7% can handle core engineering tasks. According to HRD Ministry, India has 6214 engineering and technology institutions enrolling 2.9 million students. About 1.5 million engineering graduates are ready for employment. But many do not have adequate skills to be employed.

Demand for MBAs increased after economics liberalization (1991). Companies were willing to pay high salary to new breed to executives; MBA was sought after course.  After two decades MBA is losing its prestige. In 2016-17 over 50 % of MBA graduates could not get hired in campus placement. AICTE data shows that 47% of MBA’s were placed. Excluding graduates form top 20 collages, only 7% of MBA graduates could get job.

The main reason for many graduates and post graduates to finding difficulty in finding suitable job are follows:-

1:- Lack of identifying the aptitude and capability of students both by their teachers (at High School Level) and parents.

2:- Lack of education and vocational guidance facilities.

3:- Lack of focus on course selected and later on the job selection; when the focus is more on earning and a high salary then the interest in a particular field the students (and their parents) would be unfit right from their entry into the undergraduate course.

4:- Lack of skill-based education.

5:- Lack of soft skills.

6:- Miss-match of qualification and job secured, there are case of graduates- post graduates, in engineering, dental science, life science and other professional courses working for BPO’s and call centers. On the other hand there are highly qualified even Ph.D holders applying for Group-D Positions.

7:- Mushrooming of many engineering collages without necessary infrastructure.

For youth to be eligible for suitable employment, they should be provided with basic knowledge of each course, including the importance of the course and prospects of employment right from 9th standard. This will help the students gaining knowledge about each course and deciding on their interest in subjects, their skills other than academic interest could be developed by introducing some vocational course at high school level.

Economic Times article on unemployment rate 6.1 all time high to read click here.

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