
Forget What You Heard Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun, gas giant, and subject of the Juno mission, is huge. Huge. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun. It’s so huge, in fact, that it doesn’t actually orbit the sun. Not exactly. With 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined, it’s big enough that the center of gravity between Jupiter and the sun doesn’t actually reside inside the sun — rather, at a point in space just above the sun’s surface. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Here’s how that works.

When a small object orbits a big object in space, the less massive one doesn’t really travel in a perfect circle around the larger one. Rather, both objects orbit a combined center of gravity.

In situations we’re familiar with — like Earth orbiting the much-larger sun — the center of gravity resides so close to the center of the larger object that the impact of this phenomenon is negligible. The bigger object doesn’t seem to move, and the smaller one draws a circle around it. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

But reality is always more complicated.

For example: When the International Space Station (ISS) orbits the Earth, both the Earth and the space station orbit their combined center of gravity. But that center of gravity is so absurdly close to the center of the Earth that the planet’s motion around the point is impossible to spot — and the ISS describes a near-perfect circle around the whole planet.

The same truth holds when most planets orbit the sun. Sol is just so much larger than Earth, Venus, Mercury, or even Saturn that their centers of mass with the sun all lie deep within the star itself.

Not so with Jupiter.

The gas giant is so big that its center of mass with the sun, or barycenter, actually lies 1.07 solar radii from the middle of the sun — or 7% of a sun-radius above the sun’s surface. Both the Sun and Jupiter orbit around that point in space.

What is a barycenter?

We say that planets orbit stars, but that’s not the whole truth. Planets and stars actually orbit around their common center of mass. This common center of mass is called the barycenter. Barycenters also help astronomers search for planets beyond our solar system! Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

What is a center of mass?

Every object has a center of mass. It is the exact center of all the material an object is made of. An object’s center of mass is the point at which it can be balanced. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Sometimes the center of mass is directly in the center of an object. For example, you can easily find the center of mass of a ruler. Try holding your finger under the middle of a ruler in a few different spots. You’ll find a spot where you can balance the whole ruler on just one fingertip. That’s the ruler’s center of mass. The center of mass is also called the center of gravity. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Ruler's center of gravity.

But sometimes the center of mass is not in the center of the object. Some parts of an object may have more mass than other parts. A sledge hammer, for example, has most of its mass on one end, so its center of mass is much closer its heavy end.

Hammer's center of gravity. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

In space, two or more objects orbiting each other also have a center of mass. It is the point around which the objects orbit. This point is the barycenter of the objects. The barycenter is usually closest to the object with the most mass.

Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Barycenters in our solar system

Where is the barycenter between Earth and the sun? Well, the sun has lots of mass. In comparison, Earth’s mass is very small. That means the sun is like the head of the sledgehammer. So, the barycenter between Earth and the sun is very close to the center of the sun. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Jupiter is a lot larger than Earth. It has 318 times more mass. As a result, the barycenter of Jupiter and the sun isn’t in the center of the sun. It’s actually just outside the sun’s surface! Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

an illustration showing the barycenter of the sun and Jupiter versus the sun's center of mass. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

Our entire solar system also has a barycenter. The sun, Earth, and all of the planets in the solar system orbit around this barycenter. It is the center of mass of every object in the solar system combined.

Our solar system’s barycenter constantly changes position. Its position depends on where the planets are in their orbits. The solar system’s barycenter can range from being near the center of the sun to being outside the surface of the sun. As the sun orbits this moving barycenter, it wobbles around. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

How do barycenters help us find other planets?

If a star has planets, the star orbits around a barycenter that is not at its very center. This causes the star to look like it’s wobbling.

Animation show planet orbiting star from above, with star wobbling. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

As seen from above, a large planet and a star orbit their shared center of mass, or barycenter.

Animation showing planet orbiting star from the side, with star moving back and forth. Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun

As seen from the side, a large planet and a star orbit their shared center of mass, or barycenter. The slightly off-center barycenter is what makes the star appear to wobble back and forth.

Planets around other stars—called exoplanets—are very hard to see directly. They are hidden by the bright glare of the stars they orbit. Detecting a star’s wobble is one way to find out if there are planets orbiting it. By studying barycenters—and using several other techniques—astronomers have detected many planets around other stars! Jupiter Does Not Orbit The Sun


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