Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart
Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart

Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart

Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart
Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart

Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart


UPSC, SSC and Bank exams are the popular and important job recruitment test conducted every year and more then 5 lackhs of students take these exams. But, it’s important to know how to get through these and make your strategy in order to crack these exams. We have thought to discuss about the strategy and few tips which can be helpful to anyone. Proper planning and strategy is must traits to clear the exams and score maximum marks.

How to start:

– This might be the biggest question for every newbie as, without guidance you may fail the exam. One should understand it from Where to start, how to start and what to study. These 3 questions are important to answer. If you are planning to join a coaching class for the exams, they will teach you from the beginning. And, coaching only costs from 12000-18000 for 3 months course includes all 4 sections. And, add 2-3K bucks to prepare for bank exams. But, few coaching centers are not restricted to 3 months. One can continue after that also without providing additional fees.
But, if you are not planning to do so i have made a plan and strategy that will definitely work.
Now, you have to start from the bottom. For this, you need to know about the exam pattern and syllabus on which i have already blogged.

Pattern of SSC Pre-exams:

– The pattern of initial or Pre-exam conducted by SSC remains the same. Although, there are different criteria for Tuer2 or Mains exams and typing test (CPT/DEST) or physical endurance test (PET) procedure for different posts and exams.
Here, is the look of Marking scheme:

Marking Scheme for every SSC exams

– There is NEGATIVE MARKING in every test of 0.25 marks on each wrong answer marked in OMR sheets.So, be careful while attempting the questions.


– Part A: General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section would include questions of both verbal and non- verbal type.

Verbal Reasoning- Analogy or Similarity, Blood Relationship, Symbol & notification, Classification, Distance & Direction, Scheduled Time/Date/Day/Year, Series, Coding & Decoding, Word Formation, Syllogism, Statement & Conclusion, Ranking/arrangement, Finding the Missing Number, Arithmetical Problems, Arrangement of Word in Logical order, Cubes & Dices, Venn diagram, Miscellaneous.

Non-Verbal Reasoning- Series, Analogy or Similarity, Classification, Mirror & Water Images, Paper Cutting & Folding, Completion of Figure, Embedded Figure.

– Part B: General Awareness: Questions in this sections will be asked from current events and of such matters of every day observations and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The include questions from different aspects relating to Economic Survey, Traditional General Awareness , History and Culture, General Science, Indian Polity, Constitution, Economy, Finance & Commerce, Traditional General Knowledge, National Insignia, History of India, Art & Culture India, Indian Geography, Indian Constitution & Polity, Economics & Indian Economy, United Nation & Organizations, World Geography, General Science, Environment, Traditional General Knowledge, Sports, Computer Knowledge & Literacy, Current Affairs (important events, awards, sports etc).

– Part C: Quantitative Aptitude:  The questions will be designed to test the ability sense of the candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit & Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and distance, Time & work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various kinds of centers, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio, Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar diagram & Pie chart.

– Part D: English Language and Comprehension: Questions in this components will be asked from error recognition, filling in the blanks (using verbs, preposition, articles etc), Vocabulary, Spellings, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Phrases and Idiomatic use of Words, comprehension, Active-Passive Voice, Narration, Close Test, and Comprehension.

Pattern of PO exams:

– Here is the examination scheme and time duration.

You can see more weight-age is given to Reasoning and Quantitative Aptitude sections in Main examination. So, prepare them well for the examination.

  • Also Read: How to attempt Main exam of IBPS PO.

Pattern of Clerk exams:

– Here is the exam pattern of Prelims and Main examination.

You can see the Main examination of clerk is different and equal weight-age is given to each section. So, you greater chance to score. Hence, the cutoff goes higher for the clerk examination.

Details about Online Examination:

– Every banking exam for any posts, is conducted Online means candidates have to click on the appropriate and correct option to answer. Each question will have 5 options compared to 4 options in other Government or SSC exams. The candidate can switch among any of the 5 sections and can also switch from any of the question from 1-200. So, there is no bound on the candidates which question has to attempt. The only thing is that one needs better practice to complete the text with accuracy and speed.


Reasoning Section: This section is considered to be tough compared to the reasoning section of SSC exams. So, one has to focused while preparing regarding this exam.
This section will have questions from– Alphabet test; logical reasoning; Analogy; coding & decoding (5 mark); blood relation (5 mark), distance (0-2 mark); direction (0-3 mark); inequality test (5 mark); sitting arrangement (5 mark); syllogism(5 mark); puzzle; input-output (5 mark); decision making or data sufficiency (5 mark); Statement and argument (5 mark); Statement and Conclusion (5 mark).
English Language Section: This section is of different levels in clerk and PO exams. In PO exams, Comprehension passages will be asked of good difficult level. Whereas, in clerk exams, the stress on given on Close test.
The questions will be asked from topics– Common errors or spotting the error (4-5 mark); Fill up (single blank); Fill ups (double blank); Arrangement of sentences or Jumbled up sentences (5 mark); Commonly misspelled words; Phrase substitution; Idioms/phrases; Synonyms and Antonyms; Comprehension test (10 mark); Close test (5-10 mark).

Quantitative Aptitude Section: This section also differs for Clerk and PO exams. In PO exams, more question from Data Interpretation (pie-chart, bar graph, line graphs, mixed graph) are asked and takes more time to calculate. Whereas, in clerk exams, speed, is required as the questions from Simplification and Arithmetic topics are more asked.
The topics generally have to prepare– Number Systems; HCF & LCM; Simplifications (5 mark); Square root and Cube root (only Clerk exams); Time and Work; Time and Distance (2-4 mark); Mensuration (2-4 mark); Permutation and Combination; Probability; Ratio proportion; Profit and loss; Simple Interest and Compound Interest (2-4 mark); Data interpretation (10-15 mark).

General Awareness (Banking-related and current affairs): It is difficult one in terms of preparation. There are endless current affair topics which one has to prepare. I have also discussed a blog on GA section (Click here- Tackle GA section in Banking exams) with referring aspirants experience so that you can prepare your strategy accordingly.
The questions are asked from topics– Currency and Capital (2-3 mark); Full forms; Important dates/Events; Ministers and their departments; Government policies and Schemes; Budget and Economic Survey (If held within last 6-8 months); Indian Economy; Banking and Economic terms (Repo rate, MSF, reverse repo etc); Share Market; Indian organizations and their full forms and headquarters; International Organization, their full forms and headquarters; RBI and its related news; Government formed Committees especially from Banking related; Awards, Sports and related events; Deaths of important persons; Books and their Authors; Other important Current Affairs especially happened in last 6-8 months from the examination.

Computer Knowledge: It is the easiest section among all sections, especially from engineering background. The pattern and marking scheme is different in Clerk and PO exams. In PO exams, only 20 marks of Computer knowledge questions are asked and whereas, in clerk exams, 40 marks of CK questions.
The basic questions are asked from the topics– MS office and its commands and keys; Operating Systems; Software; Hardware like input-output hardware; Basic knowledge of Internet like homepage, file transfer etc; E-mail system and its related terms like Phishing, spam etc; Computer Abbreviations; History of Computer; and any latest development.

After, understanding about the exams, you need books to read and know the basic concepts. And, i have also blogged and try to mention the best books that going to work for every exams whether its SSC or IBPS exams. But, still i write in compilation form so that you can buy and start for both exams.

  1. Maths: Quantitative Aptitude from Arihant publication; Quickest Mathematics from Kiran publication; Advanced Maths from Lucent; Advanced Maths by Rakesh Yadav Paramount Coaching;
  2. English: Objective English by SP bakshi; Word Power Made Easy by Norman lewis; Plinth to Paramount by Neetu Singh; Previous Year by MB publications;
  3. Reasoning: Course of reasoning of SSC and Bank is slightly different. Verbal and Non-verbal reasoning by RS aggrawal; IBPS CWE V success master by Arihant or Kiran Publications; Reasoning previous year from Kiran publication;
  4. General Awareness: Banking Awareness from Disha Experts, TMH, Pearsons; GK book from Lucent; Pratiyogita Darpan every month; Panorama Year Book
  5. Computer Knowledge: Computer Knowledge from Arihant publication; 2150+ questions on Computer Knowledge previous year from Kiran Publication; Buy any one books useful for Bank exams.
Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart
Step by Step prepare for Government job exams by knowledgekart

Step by step read books:

This step is vital to understand what is need for what exams you are preparing. Actually, from my experience, one does not need too many books or separate book for SSC and Bank exams as the most of the topics are common. So, if you prepare for one exam, you will cover most of the topics and syllabus of the other. If you have bought all books mentioned above, second thing is how to start with them.
Firstly, Choose any conceptual book that cover each and every topic clearly and understand it and do related examples; and then, buy any practice sets or books. Like, take maths books, spend 1 hour daily for each topic, then 1 hour for its related example and exercise. Next, 1 hour English, its rules and concept. Next, 1 hour Reasoning and practice it because practice is important in Reasoning section. 1/2 hour for GK section as it requires daily newspaper and few topics from Lucent book if preparing for government job exam.

  • Cover syllabus and each and every topics. Clear your concepts and practice example questions.
  • Now, buy practice books and practice mock test, join test series and evaluate your preparation.
  • Important sections of Government job exams like SSC are Maths and English which one has to practice a lot. And, in Banking exams, sectional cutoff is important so Time management is the most important trait to tackle the exam.
  • Revise syllabus before 1 month of the exam and Mark the tough questions and write down new and different tricks while preparing so that you can go through them before the exam.
  • Prepare GK and Computer section of Banking exam before 1 month, if you are planning to use Panorama Year book for GA section.

Focus on one but Appear in all:

– I recommend to fill every government job form whether you want it or not. If you focus on exam, and give many exam before the main exam that you want to crack, you will definitely be going to benefit. Appear in every exam as if this were the only exam you had to crack. Initially you will fail many but don’t get disappointed. As, these exams are only to gain experience, test your preparation, where you are weak and in which sections you need improvement. This technique will also help in gaining strategy and gives an idea how to appear for the exam next time. And, when you appear for the exam that you want to crack, this thing will help you surely.
So, i will say, Focus on one and Appear in All as this approach helps you build up strategy and figure out where are you lacking and where you need improvement. Also, gives you the answer- Are you ready for the important test for which you are preparing?.

Time management and Daily Routine:

Time Management of your study plan is very important. Time management strategy is also required in taking exams and which section should be given how much time slot. These things are important to prepare for the exams and crack it with better score. You will find aspirants saying that they could not complete the test on time or wasted more time on one section and could not attempt the other. Hence, i find it the important part to figure out which sections are important and scoring and how much time slot will you devote during exams.

– This things start when you understand the paper pattern and syllabus. Now, you can decide which one is strong zone and weak zone according to your ability. Then, make a plan which helps you in covering the syllabus before 1 month of the exam or you can repeat it 2-3 times as Revision is also important.
– Few points have collected and which may help you to make your plan:

  • Study daily at least 6-8 hours, if starting from the scratch and not doing any other work. If working, devote 2-3 hours daily with half an hour on each section.
  • Make a Study plan that will finish your syllabus before 1 month of the exam.
  • Figure out your weak and strong sections or topics and work on that.
  • Figure out which sections require how much time slot in the exam from the total time of 120 minutes.
  • All questions in the exam is not possible to attempt. Hence, need to know how much questions you are doing in 120 minutes of each sections and not wasting time on one section and leaving the other.
  • Practice and Revision is must. Buy practice books, Mock test, previous years, online practice series for bank exams to perform better in the exams.

Before exam:

If you are reaching near your examination date, you need to revise every topic and again read and practice the weak zone to counter it. Now, you no need to practice more and more new questions or read questions. You have to do is just read the concepts again and practice the Marked questions and Tricks so that you are aware with tough questions.

Try to cover GK section in last 15 days before the exam with important points as in SSC, it’s like anything can be asked. Whereas, in banking exams, you know what to read, read current affair points 2-3 times (don’t memorize them).

If you have any point or something want to add in this blog, do share with us.. so that it can be helpful to others.


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