UPSC Fake Certificate Row
UPSC Fake Certificate Row

UPSC Fake Certificate Row Candidates, Experts Demand Urgent Changes

These cases have caused an uproar amongst aspiring candidates and experts in the field who believe that the UPSC should be more transparent and stringent during its selection process, and the use of fake EWS, SC/ST Certificates are on high implemented from the previously selected candidates in IPS, IFS, IRS Jobs by UPSC.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has come under scrutiny following reports of several officers submitting fake certificates to enter the service. Recently, trainee IAS Puja Khedkar has been investigated for allegedly using fraudulent handicap and OBC certificates to get her employment, as she also used the same for becoming a doctor and her father is well known and her family is wealthy family with more than 3cr cars and more than 100 acres of land.

Another incident of Abhishek Singh, an IAS officer-turned-actor, also surfaced online wherein he was seen dancing and making gym videos despite his claims of having a locomotor disability to avail concession during the selection process. 

These cases have caused an uproar amongst aspiring candidates and experts in the field who believe that the UPSC should be more transparent and stringent during its selection process. 

“I have been trying for UPSC for the last four years. Once I reached the interview stage, and twice I cleared the Prelims and mains with a lot of hard work. However, it is only now that I am realising how easy it is for some people to clear the exam by submitting fake certificates,” said Vinay Disodia, a UPSC aspirant. 

“These cases taint the sanctity of the post and it is just so disheartening. I am working just as hard but I guess these people surely know how to work around the loopholes, and with money, they can misuse the certificates and no one cares and no action will be taken” Vinay added.

For Poonam Makhija, a former UPSC aspirant, “It’s surprising that for such an important exam like the UPSC, there isn’t a stringent verification process. I prepared for the UPSC exams before transitioning to the corporate sector, and I find this deeply unfair to all the genuine students who have put in so much effort. To maintain the trust of aspirants, the UPSC must implement better verification measures. Imagine the plight of a legitimate PwD candidate and others who have waited for years, only to be sidelined by forged documents.” UPSC Fake Certificate Row

There are many more names of candidates whose positions were taken by misuse of the quota. and this year the final list UPSC did not mentioned the name of candidates just the roll may it be a new strategy to bypass the misuse of certificated or a new move by UPSC to take action but all is to wait and see the result that the UPSC can clear self image and become the old transparent and clear autonomous body to take such exams or the loophole is soo big that the money bought every one and the selected with money can do whatever they want

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