What is Muharram
What is Muharram

What is Muharram A Sacred Month in Islamic Tradition

Muharram is a significant month in the Islamic calendar, holding great importance for Muslims worldwide. It marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year and is considered one of the four sacred months in which warfare is prohibited. In this article, we will delve into the essence of Muharram and explore the customs and observances associated with it.

The Significance of Muharram

Muharram, which translates to “forbidden” in Arabic, is the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It holds immense significance as it commemorates various historical events and serves as a time of reflection and spiritual growth for Muslims.

The First Ten Days – A Time of Mourning

The first ten days of Muharram are of particular importance, especially the 10th day, known as Ashura. This day holds both joy and sorrow for Muslims. On one hand, it is a day of gratitude as it marks the Prophet Musa’s (Moses) escape from Pharaoh’s tyranny by the parting of the Red Sea. On the other hand, it is a day of mourning as it also marks the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad.

Commemoration of Imam Hussain’s Martyrdom

The martyrdom of Imam Hussain at the Battle of Karbala is a tragic event deeply etched in the hearts of Muslims. He stood up against injustice, tyranny, and corruption, sacrificing his life for the principles of truth and justice. Every year during Muharram, Muslims worldwide commemorate this event with a sense of grief and solidarity. Majlis, religious gatherings, are held where scholars narrate the events of Karbala, invoking powerful emotions of empathy and self-introspection among the attendees.

Fasting on Ashura

Fasting on the 10th day of Muharram, known as Ashura, is a common practice among Muslims. While it is not obligatory, many choose to fast as an act of gratitude, and remembrance, and to seek forgiveness for their sins. Some Muslims fast on the 9th and 10th or 10th and 11th of Muharram to distinguish their observance from that of other faiths.

Charity and Acts of Kindness

Muharram encourages acts of charity and kindness towards others. Muslims are encouraged to help those in need, give to the poor and less fortunate, and perform good deeds throughout the month. Such acts not only benefit the recipients but also purify the souls of the givers.

The Message of Unity

Muharram serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and brotherhood among Muslims. Regardless of their cultural backgrounds or sects, Muslims come together during this month to share the grief of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom. This unity reinforces the notion that Islam transcends all barriers and unites its followers under the banner of peace and compassion.


In conclusion, Muharram is a sacred and significant month in Islamic tradition. It serves as a time for Muslims to reflect on the past, seek forgiveness, and strengthen their connection with Allah. The commemoration of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom during Ashura brings Muslims closer together, fostering unity and empathy. Through fasting, charity, and acts of kindness, Muslims embrace the values of selflessness and compassion.

As we celebrate Muharram each year, let us be mindful of the lessons it imparts and strive to embody its spirit of love, unity, and devotion throughout our lives. May this auspicious month bring blessings, peace, and prosperity to all.


  • IslamicFinder. “The Month of Muharram: History, Significance, and Practices.” https://www.islamicfinder.org/news/the-month-of-muharram-history-significance-and-practices/
  • Khan, Yasmin. “What Is Muharram?” ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-muharram-2004260

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