NCERT Geography Notes For UPSC 2020
NCERT Geography Notes For UPSC 2020

NCERT Geography Notes For UPSC

Geography is a very important subject in the UPSC exam, covered by both IAS Prelims and Mains papers, Geography for UPSC covers Indian Geography as well as World geography. The following concepts in Geography are covered broadly by the UPSC Syllabus:

  • Physical Geography
  • Human Geography
  • Environmental Geography

The UPSC Syllabus covers Geography in prelims as one of the subjects in General Awareness, while the IAS mains syllabus for Geography is covered both in the General Studies and Geography Optional papers. The following major topics should be covered in Geography for IAS:

  • Geomorphology
  • Climatology
  • Oceanography
  • Biogeography
  • Environmental Geography
  • Perspectives in Human Geography
  • Economic Geography
  • Population and Settlement Geography
  • Regional Planning
  • Models, Theories and Laws in Human Geography
  • Physical and Cultural Setting of India
  • Resources, Agriculture, Transport, Communication and Trade in India
  • Contemporary Ecological Issues and Biodiversity

NCERT Notes on Geography for UPSC

The most important source of Geography for UPSC is NCERT Books. Aspirants should read geography from NCERT Books for UPSC to prepare for the IAS Exam. Taking notes is an efficient way to organize the study material for revision. UPSC Candidates often find it difficult to find the right topics to focus on or may not have the time or resources at hand to take efficient notes. With this in mind, we at Knowledgekart have developed a compilation of NCERT Notes for UPSC. This page compiles all the NCERT Notes on Geography for UPSC to help IAS aspirants prepare better and faster.


Best IAS Books For UPSC Civil Services Exam

Geography as a Discipline

The Origin and Evolution of the Earth-Theories

Structure of the Earth

Continental Drift


PDF Study Material

UPSC Prelims Preparation Books to Refer for IAS